Information special service

Let professionals help you get your motorbike off your hands.

In cooperation with Auto Moto Occasion in Langenthal BikeWeb offers you a special service to sell your motorbike.

The service costs CHF 98.00 and includes:

  1. Advertising your motorbike by phone
    Advertising your motorbike by phone throughout Switzerland for an unlimited period of time. We place advertisements in several newspapers calling attention to our services. Every month 300 to 400 potential buyers search for motorbikes of all sorts this way. We send them documents about the desired motorbike together with the name of the seller free of charge. All motorbikes will be kept in the database until they are sold!

  2. Adverts in newspapers/magazines
    1 ad in the journal Moto Sport Schweiz (german and french)

  3. Advert at BikeWeb with up to 9 images
    Your motorbike will be advertised at BikeWeb for 3 months. If you upload images your motorbike ad will be placed as offer of the day. With your reference number and password you can modify your BikeWeb ad at any time (changed data will NOT be sent automatically to Auto Moto Occasion!).

  4. Placing your ad with other used motorbike sites

With questions or problems, please contact:
062 923 99 66 (Auto Moto Occasion, Langenthal BE)
BikeWeb contact form.